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Friday, February 20, 2009

Latest Email from Move America Forward

9/11 Victim Adam Arias Remembered by his Sister
Family Shocked Obama Considering Bringing
9/11 Mastermind to the U.S

I’m Lorraine Arias-Beliveau, and my wonderful brother, Adam Arias, was taken from us in the horrendous attack on the World Trade Center by murderous Islamic terrorists.

On the morning of September 11th, I was driving to the dentist’s office in New York City when I saw the shadow of a plane pass over very quickly. It was flying dangerously low and was extremely loud. It wasn’t but a few minutes later that I heard through the radio that the first World Trade Center tower had been hit.

Later, sitting in the dentist’s chair, I heard over the radio about the second tower being hit. I had that terrible feeling because my brother worked in that building! The phone lines were down, I could not call anyone, so I drove to my parent’s house a few blocks away to tell them not to go out.

I heard later that Adam had been seen running all over his office urging and pleading his co-workers to get out of the building and get as far away as possible. Our other brother, Lt. Col Don Arias who worked for the Air Force, had called Adam, VP of Operations for Euro Brokers on the 84th floor, and told him "get out, it is a hijacking!"

There were reports that he even forced some people out to safety, and many people today credit Adam with saving their lives. Reports say he was last seen outside the towers helping the firefighters leading people to safety. Adam stayed to the very last minute, trying to get as many people out as he could, but he did not make it away from the towers before they collapsed. We were notified on the 8th day that Adam's remains had been found.

Our family has been waiting for seven years to get justice for our little brother Adam. When our family was invited down to Gitmo late last year to attend the trial of the alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed, we thought justice would come soon. What we saw was heartbreaking; it was like a circus! There he was, this monster who engineered the murder of my brother, and he was so smug, laughing at us, boasting about his terrible actions.

This is me and another brother with other 9/11 families at Guantanamo Bay

We were then startled earlier this year to learn that President Obama had called all the trials to halt, and issued an order to close Guantanamo Bay. Honestly I cannot think of a worse way to honor Adam and bring justice to his killers. They do not deserve to leave Gitmo; they do not deserve a trial in our federal court system. And, they sure don’t deserve the constitutional rights that will enable them to escape prosecution.

Too many Americans are unaware of the important role Guantanamo Bay plays in not only holding these murderous terrorists, but also providing a source of new intelligence to help our military men and women win the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

That is why Move America Forward has prepared a TV advertisement to awaken people to the issues involved with bringing these terrorists into the United States. But, we need your financial support if we are going to get the TV spot on the air.

Please Make a Contribution so MAF can run this AD on TV

You can also watch the 30 second ad HERE
Please make a donation today, honor my brother’s name.
Please help restore justice so these terrorists can be rightly prosecuted.

Adam died because a group of radical Islamists carried out the most devastating terrorist attack in history. But Adam died a hero, and he died as he lived, helping others. But our family is extremely disturbed by Obama’s plans to close Guantanamo Bay. We know Adam would have opposed it, and we oppose it because the butchers of 9/11 and others like them held at Gitmo do not deserve to have their cases dropped and reopened here on American soil, in American federal courts, where there is a much higher chance that they could walk away free men.

That’s why we support keeping Guantanamo Bay open, and we support Move America Forward’s efforts to fight for that, to convince the administration that the right thing to do is to keep those terrorists in Gitmo where they belong. They don’t deserve the rights to endless appeals… rights which they denied to my brother, Adam.

On behalf of all of the victims of 9/11, I sincerely hope you will help us get this message out to the American people. Thank you for giving me the chance to tell you the story of my brother, Adam Arias.


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