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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

"Build Up to M-Day" For Our Veterans

Dear CP: There are 2 things which are important enough, in my opinion, for you to view without delay......... 

1. Please go to: http://www.tcoverride.blogspot.com/ and read the post titled "Before You Go" that is dated "Tuesday, May 13, 2008" for the complete story of how a song tribute for the Veterans of World War II and Korea came to be written. 

2. Please then go to: http://www.managedmusic.com/php/BYGIndex.php?page=playBYG to watch the video. We need to thank these Veterans without delay...before they're all gone. Thank you. The Loon.

I would like to thank my friend "The Loon" for this note and heads up. I am passionate about showing honor and respect for our veterans, and I talk regularly about how we are losing our "Greatest Generation" at a fast pace. 

The picture above is myself with one of those heroes from WWII aboard the LST 325, which he was an original crew member. The LST 325 made 44 trips back and forth across the English Channel in support of the invasion of Normandy.

Snooper also has a post on this at A Newt One.