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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Petition from Move America Forward

Awesome Job--Let's Not Stop Now
To members of Move America Forward

Thanks in no small part to the members of this group, our petition to FIRE Janet Napolitano is spreading rapidly accross the web and picking up signatures. After just a few days online, we already have 10,000 signers!

If you haven't signed yet, please go here today and join this growing movement: http://www.moveamericaforward.org/index.php/MAF/petition/FireJanetNapolitano

If you've signed already, YOU CAN STILL HELP. These movements grow because thousands of people who care about the issue take initiative and tell their friends. And it's very easy.

You can post a link to the petition on your profile so it shows up in your friends' news feeds and is visible when someone looks at your wall. If you have a blog or website or use another social networking site, please post it there, too.

And you can help us in the long term by recruiting more members to this group. We just passed 3000 members yesterday, but we have to keep up the pace to make sure we can build responsive and powerful movements against Janet Napolitano and around other issues as well. There are links on the group's front page to invite your friends, post it to your profile, and send a message about us.

Once again, THANK YOU all for your good work spreading the word about our group and our petition. Let's keep it up!

Link to petition here: