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Friday, February 15, 2008

Another Iraq Veteran for Congress

Matt Salisbury was on the American Truth Warriors from A Newt One show tonight on A Newt One. Click here to listen to the interview Sonlit Knight did with Matt.

Click here to go to the Matt Salisbury for Congress website.

Fellow Idahoans —

It is a truly amazing perspective to be able to see your town, state, and nation through eyes without the blinders of apathy and cynicism. I lost my belief in people through war, and found it again through my faith and you, my fellow Idahoans. As Americans, we face great challenges to our security, economy and the founding principles.

We are equal to the task.

While our local Republican leadership continues to meet these challenges with workable solutions, the first congressional district house is not in order. We are engaged in economic and military warfare and the outcome will define our Republic into the next century.

Americans think big. That is a key to our success as a nation. But when those whom we elect choose to focus on what divides America, instead of presenting solutions, our democracy flounders in back biting and indecision.

Idaho and America deserves better.

The careful and thoughtful use of ideas, words, and actions is not the equivalent of a moral compromise. It is leadership.

Over fifty years ago, a generation returned from war. Their eyes were opened by war as were mine. They realized how precious our great nation was and stepped forward for public office. When they returned from WWII, they set about building a better America. That legacy has passed to this generation.

After so many years, I now better understand my grandfather and his generation. I am not the same person who left for Iraq. I learned, changed, and hardened in the best sense. I have a deep respect for those who shouldered the burden of leadership in the past, and now it is my time, our time, to pick up the burden.

My heart is a soldier’s heart, a servant’s heart, to do for those who cannot and for those who have none to speak for them; to protect our liberty and to do what is right. Idahoans deserve a voice that reflects our commonality and the values of this extraordinary state.

Simply stated, your voice does matter, and it can be heard. I’m asking for your support — get involved, be heard, and make a difference.


Matt Salisbury