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Monday, February 4, 2008

In Memory of Rev. Ron Thomas - Rest in Peace

In my job, you never know what is going to happen or when it is going to happen. After enjoying the Giants victory over the Patriots in the Super Bowl, my doorbell rang at 1:15 am. It was a volunteer fireman notifying me that the local United Methodist Minister had coded, and as the police department chaplain, they asked me to go and be with the wife.

My wife and I immediately went down the street (his church and our church are only about 3 blocks apart). My friend the minister had already left by ambulance, and his wife was trying to get herself ready but was having a difficult time even getting her thoughts together, much less driving herself to the hospital.

Mrs. CP and I was with Sandy from that point on, and I'm sorry to say that my friend and fellow pastor, Rev. Ron Thomas didn't make it.

We didn't get home until about 4:15, and it's safe to say that blogging will probably be low on my list of things to do later today - right now though I'm wide awake and winding down, so I wanted to post this tribute.

Please pray for Sandy, their 3 daughters, and their grandchildren, as well as the congregation at the Hope United Methodist Church.

Ron, I'm sure you've received your first tour of heaven, welcome home my friend! He is the man on the left of the picture with the Garfield tie on - that was Ron.