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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Lila Rose Wins an Award

Undercover activist awarded for pro-life work
Charlie Butts
1/27/2009 7:00:00 AM

The Gerard Health Foundation has awarded $600,000 in prizes to six individuals for their work in the pro-life movement.

Lila RoseOne such recipient of the Life Prizes award is college student Lila Rose, president of Live Action, who had this response.

"Well, I was very surprised to hear I had been chosen as there are many others that have done such wonderful work alongside me in the pro-life movement, but it's definitely an honor," she notes, "and I'm very thankful to the Gerard Foundation and Mr. [Raymond] Ruddy for the generous gift so I can use it to continue to keep up the pro-life activism and the pro-life work."

Rose is well-known for her undercover work in exposing illegal practices at abortion clinics. "I pose as young as a 13-year-old girl in need of help, pregnant by a much older man," she explains. "And we've done other investigations like this to illustrate the abuses and the lawlessness that goes on inside these clinics regularly."

Her videos have revealed clinic personnel advising her on getting an abortion without getting the older man in trouble with the law. This week Rose will be releasing yet another revealing video of an undercover probe at an abortion clinic.