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Monday, March 31, 2008

A Soldier From The Prayer List

News just received about one of the soldiers on the Do The Right Thing prayer list. Our prayers continue for all the soldiers in harms way but we need a special prayer for Sgt. Daniel Porter who was WIA(wounded in action).
We pray for a complete and swift recovery for you Daniel as well as strength and courage for his family and loved ones.
Don't know about you but I'm always amazed at our young warriors who, after having been severely wounded, desire nothing more than to return to their units and their buddies. True heroes!

May God bless you Daniel!


Sgt. Daniel Porter (one of the brothers)
His rig got hit by an IED, everyone else in the rig, walked away with scratches, Daniel got some scratches too. He also had both arms dinged. One of them is a very bad ding.
The arm is badly broken, he is in Germany and will be back in the States sometime next week.
The Dr's think they might save the arm - needs copius amounts of prayer for that.
His one desire is to get back to his buds and his brother.
Take care, be blessed