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Saturday, March 1, 2008

God is Good........

.........All the Time!!!!!!

I just wanted to give a State of "Do The Right Thing" post and since it's the beginning of a new month I thought it was a good time.

Please know that everything I say in this post is meant to bring glory and honor to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and none of the credit goes to those who are part of this, but to Him from which all good things come!

The word "I" around here has changed to more "we" than "I". The Cyber Crew of Dean, Garry, Roger M., Susan, and Bert have helped develop our blog into a team effort, and not just a solo project.

I didn't exactly tell them this when I invited them to be a part of the "Crew", but in my mind I had two things for anyone I was going to invite to be a part of the team: 1) they had to be a Christian, and 2) they had to be a conservative.

Obviously, they all meet that criteria or I wouldn't have made the offers, and I am so blessed that each one has accepted.

I want to include another person who isn't an "official Crew" member and that is Mark. He is a dear friend, meets all the above listed characteristics, supports us, and helps me when I'm lost (which, is more than I care to admit). Mark is part of another blog team that is one of the most successful in the blogesphere, and I'm proud that he is our friend.

Another thing that I need to point out is that as a group, we have moved from just being a blog into more of a ministry focus.

Do The Right Thing Radio at Blog Talk Radio has now been on the air four times. Our focus there isn't political in nature, but it is a Christian outreach featuring prayer, music, scripture, a short devotion, and the opportunity for those who need prayer to seek it and actually be prayed over while on the air, and afterwards as well.

The entire Cyber Crew, along with Mark and Mrs. CP have all worked to get this ministry up and running. We are already seeing postive results as we are meeting new people and praying with and for people that we never even knew 3 weeks ago.

If you haven't listened to the show yet, you can click here and listen to an archive of the previous shows, or you can tune in live at 11:00 pm (eastern) on Mondays and 2:00 pm (eastern) on Thursdays.

Let me share some numbers with you.

On the blog side, February was the ranked as the 3rd highest month for visits to this blog. However, the 2 months that were higher both had 31 days. Given two more days, February would have been very close and posssibly even the best month this blog has had, and as far as comments, February was the number 1 month in blog history (and that's even with me deleting an entire thread of comments).

On the BTR side of things,

Show 1 - Live listeners: 20; Archive listeners: 26; Total: 46 Monday (11:00 pm)

Show 2 - Live listeners: 17; Archive listeners: 24; Total: 41 Thursday (2:00 pm)

Show 3 - Live listeners: 24; Archive listeners 33; Total: 57 Monday (11:00 pm)

Show 4 - Live listeners 17; Archive listeners 15; Total: 32 Thursday (2:00 pm)

The Show 4 archive numbers should continue to grow as that's been the case with all the other shows.

Being new at this, we don't know if we are doing good statistically or not, but we do know we are planting seeds for Christ!

Bottom line, God is blessing our work in a wonderful way right now. For those of you who are devout Christians, you know that is when the enemy works the hardest, so please pray that we are able withstand all attacks.

Again, all glory for what God is doing through us, goes to HIM as we are just mere servants to our Master!

Pastor Ed Boston aka Cyber Pastor


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