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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Give Staff Sgt Wuterich The Fire Support He Deserves

Cross posted from Pat Dollards. H/T to Knottie.

Knottie brought this to my attention. It is as follows:

Good Morning,

Below is a post that will go up on the Gathering of Eagles website later today. I am asking that each of you take a moment to read it and then follow your conscience. It’s time to stand up for this Marine. Thank you all for all the hard work you have done, and continue to do, on behalf of our brave men and women in uniform. Manchu.


Eight Marines were originally charged Dec. 21, 2006, with crimes related to the deaths of 24 Iraqi civilians during a bloody, door-to-door sweep in the town of Haditha. The deaths occurred after 1 Marine was killed and others were wounded by a roadside bomb Nov. 19, 2005. Evidence of a massacre never materialized, and the original reports by the news media, as well as slanderous comments by Congressman John Murtha (D-PA), have been thoroughly discredited.

Initially, four enlisted men were charged with unpremeditated murder, and four officers were accused of failing to properly investigate. To date, charges have been dismissed against six Marines, while one was found not guilty on all counts in courts-martial. In June 2008, a military judge dismissed charges against Lt. Col. Jeffrey R. Chessani, who was the battalion commander at the time, after finding the case was improperly influenced by an investigator. Prosecutors have sought a new trial and a decision is pending. The sole remaining defendant is the squad leader, Staff Sgt. Frank D. Wuterich, whose court-martial is not yet scheduled.

This Marine needs our help or he will become the sacrificial lamb. With only a couple of weeks left in the Bush Administration, I am asking that every one of you call the White House public comments line at 202-456-1111, fax the President at 202-456-2461 or send an email to comments@whitehouse.gov and ask that Staff Sgt Wuterich be pardoned. Better yet, take five minutes from your day and do all three. As I have said many times before, if you ever wonder if our brave men and women in uniform would do the same for you, remember:


We have proven we can shape policy with our collective voices. Now let’s prove that we can right wrongs. You have your marching orders troops. Let’s give Staff Sgt Wuterich the fire support he deserves. Manchu.



The Haditha residents here don’t consider the 2005 civilian killings a “massacre.” Instead, they call the slayings the “Haditha accident.”