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Friday, December 5, 2008

New Feature - Christian Poems by Don Louderback

I am happy to announce that we will be having Christian Poetry, by Don Louderback, as a new regular feature here at Do The Right Thing! Thanksgiving may be past, but this is too good not to post.



Now don't forget Jesus today,
and all that He has done.
Before going out for the day
and having all that great fun.

Even though this is a good day,
it will soon come to and end.
But Jesus will be here forever
and we all need such a friend.

So don't get so wrapped upon
this here thanksgiving day.
That you are thinking about now,
and you do not take time to pray.

When you are there with family
and you are having all that fun.
Always remember Jesus's love
because He is that special one.

Written by Don Louderback