From "Stop the ACLU"
Dear Friends & Supporters:
We are pleased to share with you the good news that Stop the ACLU is now on Blog Talk Radio. The Coalition is joining forces with Mr. Right Opinion to form our new show which you can listen to on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:30 - 3 PM Eastern Time (12:30 Central, 11:30 Mountain, 10:30 Pacific) by clicking here and then sharing it with all your contacts.
Mike Minton, our former state coordinator for Kentucky, and I are very excited in this venture and are eager to hear from you. We will be discussing various issues of the day, including, of course, the ACLU.
This Thursday I will be hosting the show solo as Mike will be away on personal business that day. If you cannot listen live, you may go to our page and listen anytime thereafter by visiting our archives and clicking the show of your choice, which you can listen to 24/7. You can also chime in on the site's instant messenger to share your thoughts and opinions on what we discuss. We know this time conflicts with those of you who listen to Rush, which includes me.
We regret this as we know Rush has a lot to share with his audience. However, we kindly beg you to join us during these hours and then revert back to him when we are not on the air. We promise not to disappoint you.
I will be sharing on 3 different ACLU matters Thursday plus a couple other items of interest to me and I'm sure everyone in the audience. We hope to hear from you.
Mike Minton, our former state coordinator for Kentucky, and I are very excited in this venture and are eager to hear from you. We will be discussing various issues of the day, including, of course, the ACLU.
This Thursday I will be hosting the show solo as Mike will be away on personal business that day. If you cannot listen live, you may go to our page and listen anytime thereafter by visiting our archives and clicking the show of your choice, which you can listen to 24/7. You can also chime in on the site's instant messenger to share your thoughts and opinions on what we discuss. We know this time conflicts with those of you who listen to Rush, which includes me.
We regret this as we know Rush has a lot to share with his audience. However, we kindly beg you to join us during these hours and then revert back to him when we are not on the air. We promise not to disappoint you.
I will be sharing on 3 different ACLU matters Thursday plus a couple other items of interest to me and I'm sure everyone in the audience. We hope to hear from you.
We are well aware that our e-mails and alerts have been rather infrequent over the last few months. Like most any other grassroots group, we are struggling to stay afloat and did for a few weeks suspend our operations. However, given certain recent cases regarding the ACLU, despite our serious lack of funds, we have no choice but to resume operations and hopefully kick things into high gear. If you feel you would like to help us out, the fastest and best way to do so is to go to and make your donation All donations large and small are appreciated. Basically, if everyone did just a little, like donating just $10-$20 annually, we could make a significant impact on America.
Many of you have asked me from time to time about Stop the ACLU memberships. We fully would like to do that and it is most definitely on our radar but to do so, we would need several thousand dollars upfront to bulk pay for items that would be included in a membership package, such as a Stop the ACLU T-shirt, bumpersticker, certificate, refrigerator magnet, cap, etc. (not necessarily all of them, though all memberships will have a T-shirt). Once we get, say $5000 in hand, we could order the stuff in bulk and then get it shipped here.
We are bringing fresh new blood to the coalition and will be making some significant changes in the coming weeks. We are also preparing to upgrade our website in the next few months. We are fully cognizant of the problems with it - its feasibility, workability, font size and other items. Of course, this will cost money as well but we need to make our site as state of the art as possible. We are getting frequent visitors and many of them come to us from links at other websites as well as our first page ranking on Google on many such searches. But we need to do a lot more to raise greater awareness of the ACLU and its agenda and to pry its supporters away and a sharper website will certainly further that effort.
As part of the need to shake things up and bring in a serious team to work to dispose of the ACLU, effective immediately, we are dismissing every state coordinator with the exception of Betty Merry, our outstanding representative for Arizona. Betty has worked tirelessly with us to expose the ACLU in her state and has been to many events in Arizona to pass out our cards and Stop the ACLU buttons. The efforts of the remainder of our coordinators have largely been minimal and in some cases non-existent. This is unacceptable to me and while we understand that circumstances occur that cause people to leave us and/or take a leave of absence, the lack of communication and reports from those who we selected to be our representatives in the various states is inexcusable. This has been very disappointing to me as we expected a reasonable effort from those who were deemed qualified to take on this position. State ACLU directors are fiercely committed to their organization and we have to be at the very least the same, if not much more so, to ours.
To cut loose the state coordinators we currently have is not something I enjoy doing but it shows that we have folks who are not serious about doing th! eir job. We deeply regret that we haven't been able to pay them as we wish we could. We certainly understand that some of you may have left us in that regard because of the lack of pay. But what is not permissible is the lack of communications from those of you in that position.
There are a couple of you (you know who you are) that have told me about your personal situations and while I do include you among the dismissed, I would be happy to speak with you about the circumstances surrounding them. If we can resolve them, we will bring you back aboard, though your job description will partially change.
The few of you who are still mailing letters to churches, thank you very much for your efforts and for the time being, please continue to do so. We are greatly disappointed at the lack of responses from virtually all of the roughly 3000 churches who have thus far received our letters. We anticipate moving in a different direction but for now, keep mailing our letters. We will advise you when to stop.
In place of our coordinators, we are looking for a team of 7-8 individuals who will be part of the Coalition's "Inner Circle" and help build a nationwide structure.
If you are interested, please read this article and then towards the bottom, review the requirements we are asking for and then if you feel you qualify. We will only be able to proceed as we have funds to do so but we at least want to get a core group in place. The content of this article will very likely move you to want to take aggressive action against the ACLU as it further codifies founder Roger Baldwin's effort to make Communism the goal of this anti-American organization. The content is what sealed the decision to return and to organize our Inner Circle. If you are a prayin! g person , please pray to see if this is something you would like to be a part of. If not, please pray for the Coalition in general and that others will accept the call
Thank you for receiving our newsletters and alerts and if you find them beneficial, please forward them to others so they can join us.
God bless you and our great country.
Nedd Kareiva
Note from Nedd: "Due to unforeseen circumstances at the last minute, the show did not air - details are at the top of my home page."