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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Congress is at it again! List of Repub turncoats here....

This is doubtless the beginning of Obama’s fascist, “national civilian security force” he spoke of during the campaign. You can read the whole story here: http://wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=92288. The title of the bill is H.R. 1388, the “Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act,” also know as the GIVE Act.

It has already cleared the House and is headed to the Senate, where, as it happens, they are working on a similar, additional, bill that is being called the “Serve America” Act. Shockingly, 70 Republicans voted for the House bill, proving once again that most elected Republicans are tools and losers who will do whatever the Democrats want unless they are pressured otherwise.

Not amazingly, the Senate's Serve America Act is being sponsored by Ted Kennedy with RINO and useful idiot, Orrin Hatch in tow as a cosponsor.

Both of these bills MUST BE STOPPED! It’s hard to overstate how important this is.

Please call AND email your Senators (Democrat and Republican alike) and tell them to oppose the so-called GIVE Act that just passed the House, as well as the Serve America Act that’s being brewed up in the Senate.

As always, here is the contact info of all 100 Senators: http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm

If you can, please also contact Senate Republican leader, Mitch McConnell and let him know he needs to get Republicans in lockstep on opposing this: http://mcconnell.senate.gov/.

Lastly, I have listed below, the names of the sell-out Republicans in the House who voted for GIVE. If you want to give them a piece of your mind, you now know who they are. There is something very rotten that is stinking up the Republican Party, and it needs to be uprooted . . . and fast. Here’s where you can get contact info for House members: http://www.house.gov/house/MemberWWW.shtml.

Rep. Brian Bilbray [R, CA-50]
Rep. Gus Bilirakis [R, FL-9]
Rep. Mary Bono Mack [R, CA-45]
Rep. Virginia Brown-Waite [R, FL-5]
Rep. Vern Buchanan [R, FL-13]
Rep. Ken Calvert [R, CA-44]
Rep. David Camp [R, MI-4]
Rep. Anh Cao [R, LA-2]
Rep. Shelley Capito [R, WV-2]
Rep. Bill Cassidy [R, LA-6]
Rep. Michael Castle [R, DE-0]
Rep. Tom Cole [R, OK-4]
Rep. Ander Crenshaw [R, FL-4]
Rep. Charles Dent [R, PA-15]
Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart [R, FL-25]
Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart [R, FL-21]
Rep. Vernon Ehlers [R, MI-3]
Rep. Jo Ann Emerson [R, MO-8]
Rep. Jeffrey Fortenberry [R, NE-1]
Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen [R, NJ-11]
Rep. Elton Gallegly [R, CA-24]
Rep. Jim Gerlach [R, PA-6]
Rep. Brett Guthrie [R, KY-2]
Rep. Dean Heller [R, NV-2]
Rep. Timothy Johnson [R, IL-15]
Rep. Peter King [R, NY-3]
Rep. Mark Kirk [R, IL-10]
Rep. Leonard Lance [R, NJ-7]
Rep. Thomas Latham [R, IA-4]
Rep. Steven LaTourette [R, OH-14]
Rep. Christopher Lee [R, NY-26]
Rep. Jerry Lewis [R, CA-41]
Rep. Frank LoBiondo [R, NJ-2]
Rep. Frank Lucas [R, OK-3]
Rep. Thaddeus McCotter [R, MI-11]
Rep. John McHugh [R, NY-23]
Rep. Howard McKeon [R, CA-25]
Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers [R, WA-5]
Rep. Candice Miller [R, MI-10]
Rep. Tim Murphy [R, PA-18]
Rep. Erik Paulsen [R, MN-3]
Rep. Thomas Petri [R, WI-6]
Rep. Todd Platts [R, PA-19]
Rep. Adam Putnam [R, FL-12]
Rep. Dennis Rehberg [R, MT-0]
Rep. Dave Reichert [R, WA-8]
Rep. David Roe [R, TN-1]
Rep. Michael Rogers [R, MI-8]
Rep. Harold Rogers [R, KY-5]
Rep. Thomas Rooney [R, FL-16]
Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen [R, FL-18]
Rep. Aaron Schock [R, IL-18]
Rep. John Shimkus [R, IL-19]
Rep. Michael Simpson [R, ID-2]
Rep. Christopher Smith [R, NJ-4]
Rep. Mark Souder [R, IN-3]
Rep. John Sullivan [R, OK-1]
Rep. Lee Terry [R, NE-2]
Rep. Glenn Thompson [R, PA-5]
Rep. Patrick Tiberi [R, OH-12]
Rep. Michael Turner [R, OH-3]
Rep. Frederick Upton [R, MI-6]
Rep. Greg Walden [R, OR-2]
Rep. Rob Wittman [R, VA-1]
Rep. Frank Wolf [R, VA-10]
Rep. Donald Young [R, AK-0]
Rep. C. W. Young [R, FL-10]

Notice that these RINO names are written in yellow??? Need I say more???


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