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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Do The Right Thing Radio - Top Show Entry

On Tuesday, the Annieb and Wanda Show made it's debut on Do The Right Thing Radio, and wow did they ever start with a bang!

Mrs CP(Annieb) and Wanda Fay co-hosted this show where they tackled the topics of abortion and euthanasia. Annieb was inspired by this article written by Shane at Political Vindication on these very very explosive topics.

Annie also shared about her daughter's unborn baby, Wanda Fay told about her abortion in times past, and Frank from Political Vindication also called in and gave his heartfelt beliefs and passion on his partner Shane's article.
It's time to start a "Best Of" List for Do The Right Thing Radio, and this show will certainly be on there. Click the link above to go directly to the show.