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Thursday, May 1, 2008

Today's Prayer Requests

Please pray for Ray and his family as they are having severe financial problems, and food is very scarce in their house. Ray lives in Washington state and if you know of something they can do to get some help in that area, please let us know and we will pass it on. 

Also, Ray's wife Yvonne, has been having problems with dizziness. Please pray for her healing. 

Young boy named Josh who has spent most of his 18-month life in the hospital. He is having a rough time right now, and his family needs our prayers as well. 

Pray for America. 

Pray for President Bush and for all our leaders at the national, state and local levels. 

Prayer for our troops and their safety. 

To add to our Prayer Requests feature, please use the comments or email Cyber Pastor at hopecyberpastor@gmail.com .