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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Email from Pete Hegseth and David Bellavia

Dear Vets for Freedom Members:

Today Vets for Freedom released two ads: Marines call on Mr. Murtha to "Stop the Smears", and Mr. Murphy "I Was There" the surge worked.

Representative Murtha and Murphy continue to use 2007 talking points provided by MoveOn.org, rather than the facts on the ground. In November 2005, Representative Murtha said in a television interview, 'The soldiers can't speak for themselves.' We are here to tell Rep. Murtha that, yes, we can, and we will speak out in defense of the truth.

Also, please sign our petition asking Mr. Murtha to stop the smears and support our troops. We are circulating this petition from now until Veterans Day when it will be presented to Congress.

Move out and draw fire,

Pete Hegseth
Chairman, Vets for Freedom

David Bellavia
Vice Chairman, Vets for Freedom