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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Update on our Trip to DC

We arrived with our 85 yr. old WW II vet and his wife safe and sound in DC on Monday night. Today was the big day where Harold Gilliland got to see the WWII Memorial for the first time. You talk about something touching your heart. It was fantastic!

We have lots of pictures, and I will try to post some on Wednesday. For now, click here to see a picture of Harold and Cyber Pastor at our local Veterans Memorial.

We had a special treat while we were at the Memorial. Two buses loaded with WW II vets from Virginia Beach showed up. Harold had plenty of people to talk to, and we got to shake hands and thank several dozen HEROES for serving our country.

Also, we are still accepting donations to help make sure Harold doesn't have to foot any of the bill for the trip. You can donate by going to PayPal and hopecyberpastor@gmail.com is the account to make donations.

Thanks in advance for helping, and please keep us in your prayers!

Check back tomorrow......