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Thursday, October 30, 2008


Dear Russell Brigade Member:

Late yesterday, Congressman Murtha finally tipped his hand. After years of campaigning as a "conservative" Democrat in one of the most conservative regions of the country, he's asking for last minute help from the radical MoveOn.org! He's standing with one of America's most controversial left-wing advocacy groups.

MoveOn has nothing in common with Western Pennsylvania values!

Here's some of what he writes: "I am up against the right-wing attack machine again! This is a real emergency -- with just 6 days left. People like Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity are calling me a traitor and worse! This year I've spent most of my time campaigning and raising money for other Democrats, including Barack Obama, instead of myself. It worked in 2006 and we threw the Bush Republicans out."

In case you've forgotten, this isn't just a pro-Democrat advocacy group. MoveOn is the group that called General Petraeus a "traitor" in a national newspaper campaign, recently toured the country with left-wing filmmaker Michael Moore and led the charge against the Roberts nomination to the Supreme Court.

Now MoveOn and its 4 million members have been asked to rally to John Murtha in the most-watched congressional race in the country! Will you forward this email to as many friends as possible? Will you ask them to contribute the maximum amount possible to increase our TV buy in the closing days of the campaign?

When my family and I settled in Western Pennsylvania after 28 years in the military, we chose this place for so many reasons, but above all, because of its values. MoveOn.org stands against everything this region and its citizens stand for and hold true. Mr. Murtha is spending the fruits of a long career in government on wild attacks on the people who live, worship and work in this incredible region of the country.

Will you help me stand up to Mr. Murtha and MoveOn.org? Will you help me speak up for the people of Western Pennsylvania?

For the Cause,

Lt. Col. Bill Russell (USAR ret.)

Candidate for Congress12th Congressional District

P.S. Our web site has several new features including the "Murtha Lie Detector" and new television and radio spots! Will you please join us?