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Saturday, October 4, 2008

From VFF: This Weekend: See a Movie and Take a Survey

Dear fellow veterans,

Before the weekend sneaks up on us all, I wanted to pass along 2 important items:

Tonight, the movie "An American Carol" hits theatres across the country. It's a pro-troop movie featuring some of Vets for Freedom's top Hollywood supporters--including Jon Voight, who has appeared numerous times with VFF and with troops across the country. Regardless of your political persuasion, I encourage you to see the movie this weekend. CLICK HERE for information on the film and CLICK HERE for local theatres.

Attention OIF/OEF Veterans: CLICK HERE to take a quick survey for a great cause and VFF member. Major Jack Scharrett, VFF's Minnesota Deputy State Captain, is the President of a great group in Minnesota focused on researching veterans' issues and empowering veterans to achieve great things when they return from the battlefield.

Jack's organization, which kick's off next month, is called VICTRI (The Veterans' Initiatives Center & Research Insitute) and the poll is a quick set of questions intended to contribute to the conversation, nationally, on what effects deployments overseas are having on our warriors and, more importantly, on their family members after troops come home and reintegrate back into their homes and lives. The great thing about VICTRI is that they understand our troops are heroes, not victims, and should be treated as such.

The survey is completely anonymous and completely voluntary. Please take 15 minutes for this great effort, which I believe has the potential become a model for similar organizations across the country.

Again, take the poll HERE.

Thanks--and have a great weekend,

Pete Hegseth
Chairman, Vets for Freedom