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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Today in DC With our WW II Hero

Another fantastic day in our Nation's Capital today. We started off at Representative Mike Pence's office, and from there, one of his interns (I'll put him name in here later, because he was awesome and I don't have it in front of me right now) gave us a tour of the United State Capital Building.

It was my first time inside the Capital Building, and all I can say is WOW, and thank God for the heroes on Flight 93!

After our tour, we ate lunch in the Longworth Building cafeteria, and then headed to the Library of Congress. There is a program that I will feature in a later post where vets tell their story, and it is preserved for future generations and we go some great information on that while we were there.

Finally tonight, we finished things off with the debate party I posted on earlier.

Tomorrow we will be going to Arlington National Cemetery and the Pentagon Memorial. Keeping things light after two hard days of being tourists.

Once again thanks to all who have helped us make this trip possible for an American Hero! Trust me Harold and Lucy greatly appreciate it, and are having the time of their lives.