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Friday, October 10, 2008

A Nation at War -- A Congress Divided; Analysis of Key War--Related Senate Votes.

 Today, Vets for Freedom released our Senate report card "A Nation at War -- A Congress Divided; Analysis of Key War--Related Senate Votes." The report is the hard work of many of our staffers, over many weeks researching twenty eight Senate votes that affected the missions in Iraq, Afghanistan and the overall Global War on Terror.

To view the full report and see how your senator scored CLICK HERE
Earlier this week another veterans organization released their Congressional ratings with different results and mixed reviews. Unlike other veterans organizations Vets for Freedom focused on the votes that directly address war time funding and other vital needs for our comrades in combat. Our report covers all relevant votes rather than a select few, and we worked hard to make sure every relevant war--related bill was included.

This report separates the rhetoric from the results, and focuses on votes cast for and/or against bills that were of importance to our warriors still fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, and hence, to Vets for Freedom. The one commitment members of Congress must perform is voting; and our analysis has shown that high profile members of the Senate, such as Senators Barack Obama and Joe Biden, earned remarkably low scores as a result of their poor voting records on troop funding, timelines, and other fundamental issues of importance to the missions.

There are also some surprising scores, with low ratings for Republican Senators Chuck Hagel and Olympia Snowe who, instead of taking the unpopular but correct stand of supporting the Surge, chose to oppose this key policy issue; whereas former Democrat and now Independent Joe Lieberman scored remarkably high for his commitment to victory.

Vets for Freedom will continue to drive the debate educating the American people about the strategic success of the Surge and the direction of our efforts in Afghanistan, and hold our lawmakers accountable for their positions on the achievement of victory.

Move out and Draw fire,

Pete Hegseth
Chairman, Vets for Freedom