Force The L.A. Times To Show Their "Secret Video"
Media Research Center
From the Desk of:
Brent Bozell, Founder and President
++Your Immediate Action Requested++ (see details below)
With less than a week before Election Day, the L.A. Times has decided to withhold a potentially explosive video featuring presidential candidate Barack Obama and Rashid Khalidi, a pro-terrorist radical and one-time spokesman for the late PLO head Yasser Arafat, rather than allow the public to view the video and make up their own minds.
According to the L.A. Times report, the video shows Obama reminiscing about meals prepared by Khalidi's wife, and"conversations that had challenged his thinking, " but released no other details of the video.
If the L.A. Times professes to be in the news business, it should reveal all the news, not suppress it.
Ed, given Obama's longtime, personal relationship with Rev. Jeremiah Wright, whose anti-Israel rhetoric has been oft repeated, it's essential Americans have an opportunity to view the truths found on that videotape--before the election!
++ Action Item--Contact the L.A. Times
On the heals of an amazingly successful grassroots initiative directed at CNN just days ago, I'm urging members of the MRC Action Team to take fast action by contacting the L.A. Times and demanding they immediately release this video.
Go here to access the L.A. Times article, and send your personalized email to key L.A. Times staff:
Ed, at this late hour, we cannot allow the liberal media to withhold key information from the American public.
We simply must take to task whenever we see liberal media bias--and this is certainly a prime example.
Please take immediate action by contacting the L.A. Times today,demanding release of that potentially explosive video by clicking here:
After sending your emails, and making your phone calls, forward this message to 20-30 friends urging them to follow your lead by clicking here:
Again, there is far too much at stake to allow the liberal media elite to dictate what stories we are fed each day. The media have a responsibility to report the truth, and we must hold them accountable whenever necessary.
With your help, I believe we can make a difference here!
Thank you for your support!
Brent Bozell
Founder and President
P.S. Again, once you have sent your emails, please also call L.A. Times publisher, Eddy Hartenstein at 213-237-7001 and demand they release the Obama video.
++ Click here to take immediate action: