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Saturday, October 11, 2008

From Mike Pence's Facebook Page

I could use your help...
From Mike Pence


With only three weeks left before the most critical election in decades I'm looking for help from any and all friends.

There are three ways you can help:

1) Volunteer - If you live in East Central Indiana, we could use some of your time between now and Election Night. You can sign up at the Pence Team section of our website at www.mikepence.com

2) Contribute - Every donation helps us get out our message and get our voters to the polls. In this political climate we can take nothing for granted. You can donate by visting our website.

3) Network - Send friends our way! Do you have some like-minded friends that might want to join our Pence Network? If so, please send some notes around to them and encourage them to sign up!

Thank you for taking to time to consider what you can do to help during this important time in our nation's history.

Mike Pence