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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

WWII Vet Heading to DC

Our dear friend Harold Gilliland is 85 years old and WWII veteran. He has mentioned to me many times that he wants to go to Washington DC and see the WWII Memorial that was finished in the last few years.

My wife and I have made plans to drive Harold and Lucy to DC for a few days beginning October 13th.

I have been working to ensure that Harold does not have to pay any of the expenses for this trip as a way to show our appreciation for his service to our nation.

This is where I need help.

The cost of this trip will be approximately $1200. Several hundred dollars have already been pledged for this, but we still have a few hundred left to go.

If you would be so kind as to help us with raising the remainder of the money needed, I know that Harold and Lucy would appreciate it so much and my wife and I do as well.

All money collected will be used for our trip, and be accounted for – money in and expenses out. If there is money left over, we will donate it to Harold’s favorite charity.

You can donate by going to PayPal and using the email address
hopecyberpastor@gmail.com or you can email me at the same address for other arrangements.

May God Richly Bless You!

Pastor Ed Boston

PS. These pictures were taken at our local Veteran's Memorial in Hope, IN. That is Harold and I in the top picture, and Mrs. CP, Harold, and his wife Lucy in the the picture below.

Lucy tells us that Harold is like a little boy waiting for Christmas in his excitement about leaving on Monday.

I appreciate all who are helping us make this trip possible!