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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Does It Really Matter?

Sometimes a person needs to sit back and think about the things that upset us in life and say, "Does it really matter?".

I was discussing an annoying person in a BTR chat room with the host of the show, and realized that I'm not going to lose any sleep over people like IGMR (don't ask, it doesn't matter).

This person seems to be out to just get on people's nerves, and it works pretty well at least to some. I could insert several different nics into the name slot and they know who they are and what they do.

But the bottom line is this, IT REALLY DOESN'T MATTER!!!

Here's things that might cause me to lose sleep, but I do my best just to turn these type problems over to God, cause I sure can't really help in the long run:

There's this little boy Jacob who came to our Youth Groups last night for the first time. I talked with the kids briefly about the "family of God". When I finished, Jacob (a 3rd grader) was crying hysterically.

Little did I know, Jacob's daddy committed suicide - hung himself - 2 years ago and my talk about God being our Heavenly Father, caused him to cry his little eyes out.

Mrs. CP and I sat down with this youngster, talked with him, prayed with him, and finally got really good hugs from him.

If I was going to lose sleep over someone, it would probably be Jacob.

Or maybe it would be Ricky. Ricky and his brother and two sisters have been coming to our church for close to 5 years. There's lots of problems in this family, and we consider them like they are our own children.

Ricky has been complaining for a couple of weeks about a spot on his shoulder. His mom took him to the doctor yesterday, and they did several blood tests, scheduled a CT scan and a biopsy. No diagnosis has been made yet, but it doesn't take a genious to figure out what the doctor is concerned about.

Or maybe it would be Jonathan, who at 19 was healed from Hodkins Lymphoma only to have it come back at 22. Now half way through his chemo treatments, the doctors are suggesting a procedure that will keep him in the hospital for 6 weeks, and then there is still no guarantee the procedure will be successful (of course God can heal him again as he has already done it once).

So at the end of the day, which it is right now, the way trolls and moonbats behave really don't matter me- but Jacob, Ricky, and Jonathan all do!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Thank You from Rudy

Dear Friend,

Over the past year, as I traveled around the country, people from all walks of life welcomed me into their homes and communities with open arms. From house parties to parades to town halls and rallies, I have shared in some wonderful moments with you all and for that I am eternally grateful.

Thank you for sharing your concerns with me. Thank you for working with me to provide our children with a brighter and more prosperous future. Thank you for your support and trust and faith. And thank you for being a part of this wonderful journey.

A New York Republican named Teddy Roosevelt once said “aggressive fighting for the right is the noblest sport the world affords.” Like most Americans, I love competition. I don't back down from a principled fight.

But there must always be a larger purpose.

Elections are about more than just a candidate. Elections are about fighting for a cause larger than ourselves. They are about identifying the great challenges of our time and proposing new solutions. Most of all, they are about handing our nation to the next generation better than it was handed to us.

Although we were unsuccessful in our endeavor, the fight to strengthen America goes on. Our nation's next President must understand and make a commitment to keep us on offense in the Terrorists' War on Us. He must understand that stimulating our economy requires cutting taxes, because you make better decisions with your money than Washington bureaucrats. He must be committed to ending illegal immigration and securing our borders. And he must use free-market principles to make health care more affordable for all Americans.

I believe John McCain is that man. He is the right leader to move us forward, unite our party and transform Washington. I hope that you will join me in supporting him to be the next President of the United States.

As I look forward to the road ahead, I am optimistic because I believe America's best days are still to come. Our country has a bright future, but we must work together to ensure that our shared prosperity creates new and better opportunities for us all.

Best Wishes,


Rudy Giuliani

Note from Cyber Pastor: I was not a fan of Rudy for President because of several social concerns. That aside, I have great respect for his leadership post 9/11. He didn't get negative in the race (but I guess he really only campaigned in one state) and I appreciate that about him. I think he can hold his head high in bowing out gracefully! Thank you, Rudy.

Announcing the National Heroes Tour!

Vets for Freedom Members,

Vets for Freedom is proud to announce the National Heroes Tour, a coast-to-coast bus tour aimed at honoring America's veterans, active troops and their families.

The bus tour kicks off in San Diego on March 14 and will include 22 stops in 16 states over three weeks, culminating on the steps of Capitol Hill on April 8th, for another "Vets on the Hill" event. The tour will bring together veterans from across the country to tell their stories and highlight their sacrifices, as well as rally support for successfully completing the missions in Afghanistan and Iraq.

CLICK HERE to see when the tour will be coming through your state, and to view updates of exact times and locations of tour events!

In addition to the local heroes we pick up along the way, here are a few of the heroes that will be featured on the tour:

David Bellavia-recipient of the Silver Star, and nominee for the Medal of Honor and author of House to House (a memoir about house-to-house combat in Iraq).

Marcus Luttrell-recipient of the Navy Cross and sole survivor of a mission in which four Navy SEALS were sent into a Taliban stronghold on the Afghan-Pakistan border; Luttrell was badly injured yet managed to escape enemy capture and later author the New York Times best-selling book Lone Survivor.

Marco Martinez-recipient of the Navy Cross for heroic action on the battlefield in Iraq and author of Hard Corps, Martinez was involved in gang activity in Los Angeles and joined the Marine Corps to straighten out his life.

Steve Russell-recipient of the Bronze Star Medal with Valor Device for his actions in Iraq; Lieutenant Colonel Russell led the battalion responsible for the capture of Saddam Hussein.

Jeremiah Workman-recipeient of the Navy Cross for his heroic actions in Fallujah; Corporal Workman's actions, under fire and while injured, led to the death of over 24 enemy insurgents and saved fellow Marines from being ambushed.

The veterans on the National Heroes Tour represent the courage, conviction, and commitment of our men and women in the U.S. armed forces.

These highly decorated veterans-as well as local heroes-will tell their personal stories directly to the American public through local media, rallies, speeches, debates, and personal meetings.

What Can I Do To Support the Tour?

Donate. Our goal is to raise $25,000 this week for the Tour. Would you consider a $100 donation today? Renting a bus and driving across the country is an expensive undertaking, and your donation will go directly to supporting the Tour. Click here to help ensure that our message is heard all across America!

Support the Tour. Contact your State Captain and volunteer to help make our stop in your state-or neighboring state-as effective as possible. If you don't know your State Captain, send an email to info@vetsforfreedom.org with any ideas or contacts.

Spread the Word. Contact the local media and local leaders in your area and tell them about the Tour. For specific media inquiries regarding the tour, direct them to Judy Mayka, Vets for Freedom Press Secretary at judy@vetsforfreedom.org

Telling the stories of our heroes and galvanizing support for success is the goal of the tour, we hope to see you soon...in your neck of the woods.

Move Out and Draw Fire!

Pete Hegseth
Executive Director

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Cyber Pastor Endorses Aaron Hankins

Support Conservative Leader Aaron Hankins for U.S. Congress in Indiana's 9th Congressional District.

Aaron Hankins is a lifetime Hoosier. He was born and raised in Columbus, Indiana and graduated from Indiana University. Aaron Hankins is a Christian, a Conservative and a Republican, in that order.

Now is the time to elect a Servant-Leader. Aaron Hankins is going to Congress to serve the people, not party politics. Hankins is a leader who will always put our conservative principles before partisanship and our country before his career.

Aaron Hankins believes in:

- Term Limits -

Aaron Hankins is a Citizen – Legislator, not a career politician! He will only serve 3 terms in Congress and return to private life in Indiana. He believes that career politicians are the biggest threat to Freedom and will work to put a check on big government and corruption by passing term limits.

- Life -

Aaron Hankins is 110% Pro-Life. He believes that life begins at conception, every life is precious and if life is devalued at one stage then it will be devalued at all stages. Hankins will work tirelessly to overturn Roe v. Wade and pass a Human Life Amendment. He is committed to ensuring that legalized abortion will one day be a sad chapter in our otherwise great nation.

- Government Reform -

Aaron Hankins believes in the limited role of the federal government envisioned by our Founding Fathers and enshrined in our Constitution. He believes that government that governs least governs best. He is going to cut wasteful Washington spending, lower taxes and end federal regulations. Aaron Hankins is going to put an end to the corrupt system of earmarks and restore our fiscal house.

- Education -

Aaron Hankins wants to repeal the No Child Left Behind Act, dismantle the U.S. Department of Education and completely eliminate all federal intervention in our local schools. Hankins wants to reclaim power from D.C. bureaucrats and give control back to our local teachers, local school boards, and most importantly local parents.

- Securing our Borders -

Aaron Hankins is adamant about securing our borders. He will do whatever it takes to make sure that we build a fence on our Southern Border. He will oppose any form of amnesty and will reject any kind of comprehensive plan until our borders are completely secure.

- 2nd Amendment -

Aaron Hankins believes in our unalienable right to keep and bear arms. He believes the 2nd Amendment is one of our most foundation freedoms that allows individuals to protect and defend themselves, their family and their property.

- Marriage -

Aaron Hankins believes that marriage is between one man and one woman. He believes that marriage is ordained by God, is the glue of our society and must be preserved for future generations. Hankins is going to Congress to pass a federal Marriage Amendment which will restrain Judicial Activists from redefining our nation's most sacred and foundational institution.

Aaron Hankins believes in our American Ideas of Limited Government, Strong National Defense and Traditional Moral Values.

Now is the time to stop "choosing the lesser of two evils" and elect a committed Conservative Statesman to Congress.

- Support Aaron Hankins for U.S. Congress! -

A lifetime Hoosier, Aaron Hankins will work hard to ensure freedoms for families in Southern Indiana.

Aaron Hankins:

ü Proudly Pro-Life

ü Ardently Pro 2nd Amendment

ü Limited Government and Lower Taxes

ü Strengthening our Local Schools

ü Strong on Securing our Borders

ü Tough on the War on Terror

ü Fighter for Fiscal Discipline

ü Will Create and Protect Jobs

ü Leader in Improving Healthcare

ü Advocate of Government Reform

Leading the Reagan Revolution!

“We must renew and revitalize the American Dream. The character of our country will prevail because the American people have always had a profound faith in God, each other and the future. First, we must restore our nation’s moral foundation, strengthen the American family and ensure the future for the next generation. This can only be done if we fight for our freedoms and our liberties by giving the government back to the people. Together we must move forward as we ensure hope and opportunity for all Americans.”

-Aaron Hankins

Aaron Hankins shares our Hoosier values of limited government, strong national defense and traditional moral values. Please join Aaron Hankins, a leader with a vision.

Support Aaron Hankins for Congress

1824 Central Ave., Columbus, IN 47201 www.aaronhankins.com Republican for Congress

Note from Cyber Pastor - I proudly endorse my good friend Aaron Hankins for the Indiana 9th District seat in the upcoming Indiana primary. This seat is currently held by Democrat Baron Hill. This post is the combination of info from Aaron's website and his Facebook page.

Vets for Freedom Announces First Endorsement

Vets for Freedom members,

Vets for Freedom is proud to announce its first endorsement of this election season in support of Joe McLaughlin for United States Congress in the 3rd District of North Carolina. Joe McLaughlin supports success in Iraq, while the Republican incumbent he is running against has voted repeatedly for timelines for defeat and refuses to acknowledge the incredible success of the surge.

In addition, Joe McLaughlin is an Air Force Academy graduate who served his country in the 82nd Airborne Division as an Army Ranger during a distinguished military career. Joe McLaughlin is well qualified - especially in a district with thousands of veterans and active duty troops - to continue his public service as a United States Representative. For more information about Joe McLaughlin visit his website: www.joeforcongress.com

As our comrades continue to serve in harm's way, it is important that we have Members of Congress who understand and appreciate the sacrifices they make, and why they make them. The current Representative of North Carolina's 3rd District-Walter Jones-has failed to acknowledge the success of our troops and has voted on multiple occasions to set a timetable for retreat in Iraq. In short, he does not recognize the threat our country faces in the 21st century. Joe McLaughlin is the answer to this inherent weakness in Congress and we are proud to offer the support of Vets for Freedom.

“This Saturday, Vets for Freedom member and Iraq war veteran Ed Slavis attended an event in North Carolina with Joe McLaughlin, and the campaign received the endorsement with great enthusiasm. Click here to see the Vets for Freedom press release posted on the McLaughlin for Congress website.”

As Election Day approaches and a variety of local and national races progress, it is important that we hold our representatives accountable and remind them that our commitment to the missions in Iraq and Afghanistan are far from over. Our troops are succeeding, and the resulting military and political progress is reflective of the hard work and dedication of our Armed Forces, led by General Petraeus. Vets for Freedom is proud to announce this endorsement and will continue to support anyone-Democrat, Republican, or Independent-who stands alongside the troops and their mission.


Pete Hegseth
Executive Director

Email was paid for by Vets for Freedom
1200 Eton Court, NW
Suite 300
Washington, DC 20007


Would You Believe It?

Crayons Smell Like Grandma January 29, 2008

Would you believe it, crayons that smell like grandma? According to a report in Newsweek, it’s true. There was a time that Crayola came out with Magic Scent Crayons. They smelled like coconut, chocolate, and even bubble gum. But parents were concerned that the children might mistake the crayons for edibles, even though studies showed that they did not. Nonetheless, the company replaced the former food fragrances with smells like “fresh lumber, dirt, leather jacket, and flowers.” In a blind scent test, the experts, children between the ages of four and eleven, were asked what the magic scents really smelled like. Their answers were surprising. Cedar chest crayons they said smelled like fire; shampoo like lipstick, and eucalyptus like cigarettes. The “new car” fragrance smelled like a vacuum cleaner to the little scribblers, and the leather jacket smell reminded them of dead worms. But the response that was most interesting was their reaction to the rose crayon; they said that “smells like my grandma.” Shakespeare said, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Maybe that’s why the sweet smell of the rose made them think about grandma.

There may be no more precious relationship in the entire world than that of a loving grandmother. Mothers are loved, fathers are idolized, and dotting grandfathers are adored. But no one can steal the heart of a child like grandma. Part of the secret may be that her purse usually hides some special treat. But I’m sure it goes much deeper than that. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if every boy or girl in the world could know the joy of a grandmother’s love? Unfortunately, the experience of many children is described by a respected physician who said, “American children are often overly fed with gastric foods but seriously starved for love and a feeling of emotional security.” A rose smelling grandma could supply a lot of that.
Visit http://www.normanwilson.org/ for more information on my sermon series this month.
Thank you for being a part of the worldwide radio missions ministry of The Wesleyan Hour.

From Today's Rush in a Hurry Email

Pearl of Wisdom:

"I think what the McCain people don't get is that those of us who call ourselves conservatives also consider ourselves a movement. We're not politicos who go issue by issue and say, 'Okay, we support this.' We're movement people, and we're sick and tired of having Republicans elected who aren't."

Monday, January 28, 2008

Just Another Quick Question

How can you campaign with the emphasis on change and then share a stage and accept an endoresement from teddy k?

Coming Soon To A Location Near You

Coming Soon To A Location Near You.

by Dean

While most of us in the United States are distracted with the coming election, our enemies are busy making great strides to permeate our society.

The elections are important make no mistake but just who is watching the back door?

Liberals ignore or are ignorant of the possibility of living under Sharia law and adopting Islam as a way of life. Perhaps they view it as a modern idea and different from our old ways. Exciting even.
But Islam is just a religion and we can choose to adopt it or ignore it right?
I have heard and read so many people say, both liberal and conservative, it’s a religion like Christianity. But is it?

Think again and you better get it right.

Many of the blogs I associate with have a series which contain articles outlining and specifying the realities of Islam.

The information is in depth and not just op-ed pieces that can be ignored or overlooked if you don’t agrree with them.
You may choose to ignore them as some right wing fear mongering attempt or classify them as irrelevant to your views and way of life, but you damn well better wake up and take a close hard look at what Islam is all about. Because whether you are liberal or conservative, left wing or right wing, Islam is coming for you.

In the first place Islam is NOT a religion, it IS a way of life and those who fall under it’s yoke suffer horribly, especially women, Christians and Jews. So what’s the big deal? We can just let Islam roll along doing their thing and it won’t affect us right? Afterall isn’t Islam a “religion of peace”? And the violence happens in other countries and to other people. It couldn’t possibly affect us, or should I say infect us here in the United States.
Is that the way you look at this?

If you do or you find yourself disbelieving the facts, then I submit that you are not only foolish but are in fact a danger to yourself and all freedom loving people.

Rather than write a long article about the fallacies and naive notions of Islam I will list a series of links that provide further education.

Whether or not you choose to follow them and actually comprehend their content is your choice….at least while it lasts. Read carefully and think about it. Your freedoms, your way of life and all that you hold dear are being threatened by a barbaric culture and a way of life that you will find unacceptable and horrific.

You don’t have to take my word for it. Read for yourself.

Here then are the links to various authors in their own words not mine;

New blasphemy: Ignoring the facts about Islamic law, by Diana West.

Honor killings: When the ancient and modern collide, by Cinnamon Stillwell.

Sharia Law And Thriving in Great Britain, from The Opinionator.

Muslim women behind wall of silence in Germany, by Sylvia Pogglioli at NPR.org. First in a six part series.

Muslim women losing out in the west as well, from AsiaNews.it

Sleep tight America, at least for now. An article by ibn Misr.

A few pictures of the realities. Not for children.

This is what Islam in Iran does to gay men, teenagers and adulterous women.

Coming to a playground near you.

Had enough? Need more to convince you?

What are YOU going to do about it?

Ignoring this won’t make it go away. This is coming to our beloved country make no mistake about it.


Another Reason to Oppose Gay Marriage

by: NJ_GOP

mar·riage Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[mar-ij] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun

1.the social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc.


The supporters of "Gay Marriage"-- which essentially is a push to change the Dictionary definition of a word--keep citing accusations of bigotry, and hatred and frequently state that a person should be able to marry whomever he or she wants. Opponents have long been asking whether these same gays would support marriage between a parent and a child, or between 3 lovers, or whether the Mormons should be marching in the streets over their "rights" being violated in the 19th century. But one thing I hadn't considered in the debate, is the growing influence of Islam in western societies, and how easy it will be for them to demand their marital "rights" of polygamy under Islamic law if a precedent is set by gay marriage.

This is an excerpt from an article on www.faithfreedom.org written by Dr. R. Brahmachari posted 1/26/08:

One is really shocked to read the news (HINDU VOICE- Jan, 2007) that a 60 year old wealthy Arab married 3 girls, Afreen, Farheena and Sultana, at a single sitting (within ten minutes), in Hyderabad. Though unbelievable, such incidents are not uncommon in Muslim community and only a few of such incidents come to surface. Furthermore, as the Koran allows polygamy and permits a Muslim male to marry 4 wives at a time, the said 60 year old Arab groom could have comfortably added a fourth girl to his list of brides without violating the laws ordained by Almighty and All-knowing Allah. Islamic law or sharia permits two kinds of marriages, nikah and mutah. The former does not allow marrying more than 4 wives at a time...

The rest of the article describes a corrupt and lucrative system of "marriage" to young girls, within Islamic law, that amounts to a form of forced prostitution and sex slavery.

..Investigation revealed that there were 35 to 40 such incidents of mutahs occur per year between rich Arabs and young girls in Hyderabad. Many of these Arabs took [their] newly wed brides to [their] home abroad, where for the rest of their lives they were forced to live as a house maid or a concubine or simply sex slaves...

If Americans truly want people in this country to be able to "marry whomever they want" they must realize that they are opening the door for other groups to exercise their rights to "marry whomever THEY want" thereby inviting Muslim law to take a foothold in our courts. After all, won't they say that their rights are being violated since Gay rights are permitted? In addition, they may use Gay marriage as a springboard to claim that their rights are doubly violated since this is a religious issue as well as a personal choice.

Polygamy is practiced by some non-Muslim fringe groups in remote parts of the US by some, and it is easy to find examples of criminal prosecution. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4673951 . But you are not seeing prosecution of the Muslims who are openly practicing polygamy in our major cities as noted in the following blog commentary:

There are Muslim polygamist men living not far from me in the Detroit area. They have one wife, to whom they were married in the eyes of the State, and several to whom they are married in the eyes of the mosque. While our government recognizes these marriages for Muslims, it enforces polygamy laws against everyone else. In Dearborn, Michigan--Islamic America' nucleus--statutory rape cases have been dismissed on the grounds that there was a marriage (of a 14-year-old girl! in one case) in the eyes of the mosque.


Why is this violation of the law seemingly ignored? Even the American feminist movement is oddly silent on the issue. (A good commentary on this can be found at this link: http://www.city-journal.org/html/13_1_why_feminism.html)

America was founded upon ideals of freedom, but freedom for the Muslim male means just the opposite for Muslim females. The very laws the Gays want to "free" them are the same laws that will lay the foundation for a life of hell for women like the ones mentioned in Dr. Brahmachari's article. As we adapt our culture more and more to Islamic demands, which is occurring at an alarming rate in prisons, public schools and even in congress (i.e. opening prayer by Imams and swearing in on the Koran), we may find ourselves down the slippery slope with no hope of return.

In the research I have done so far on this topic, I found a surprising number of blog posts (supposedly) from women who are "2nd wives" who claim they are happy in their situation. However, much of my reading also revealed that the men who marry multiple wives often manipulate the women by citing it is "Allah's" will for them to agree to the situation.

So if you are for the definition of marriage to change to include the union of 2 people of the same sex, I suggest you brace yourself for the introduction of legal polygamy to our society, with all the trimmings.

Oh and let's not forget that Islamic law provides the death penalty to Gays, so the dictionary definition of marriage won't be an issue if we allow Islam to take over.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

NJ_GOP Makes Her Debut on Monday

It is with great anticipation that I have been waiting to share my good friend NJ_GOP's writing skills with those who read Do The Right Thing. The wait will soon be over!

Tomorrow, we will be posting "Another reason to oppose Gay Marriage:" and here is a preview of the article.

The supporters of "Gay Marriage"-- which essentially is a push to change the
Dictionary definition of a word--keep citing accusations of bigotry, and hatred
and frequently state that a person should be able to marry whomever he or she
wants. Opponents have long been asking whether these same gays would
support marriage between a parent and a child, or between 3 lovers, or whether
the Mormons should be marching in the streets over their "rights" being violated
in the 19th century. But one thing I hadn't considered in the debate, is
the growing influence of Islam in western societies, and how easy it will be for
them to demand their marital "rights" of polygamy under Islamic law if a
precedent is set by gay marriage.

Good things are happening here at Do The Right Thing and our new contributors have many good things to add to this blog. For the future Do The Right Thing is going to be more about certain issues, and less about Cyber Pastor.

Help us pray about this new direction we are taking, and I will have more to post on this subject as time goes by.

Welcome aboard NJ!!!!!

Do The Right Thing Contributor Bio: Boaz

Garry - A Left Coast Right Winger - Mostly a Republican, always a Conservative and on occasion very irritated at the current crop of RepubliKrats.

Married with two children - both grown men.

Two Grandkids !!!!

My wife and I are active in our local church teaching Marriage/Parenting classes, and marriage counseling for couples.

A member of the local Salvation Army Service Extension Unit as a Liason to the County O.E.S. Dept.

Life is good, and then it gets better.

A.K.A. boaz

To see Dean's Bio, click here.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

President Bush to March for Life Supporters

President Bush Speaks to March for Life Rally Participants
East Room
White House News
9:01 A.M. EST

THE PRESIDENT: Nellie, good to be with you -- we're fellow West Texans who care deeply about the value of human life. Other members of the board of directors for the March for Life, leaders of the pro-life community, and all those who are here with us for the march, it's good to have you here and welcome to the White House. (Applause.)

As I look out at you, I'll see some folks who have been traveling all night to get here -- (laughter) -- you're slightly bleary-eyed. (Laughter.) I'll see others who are getting ready for a day out in the cold. But mostly I see faces that shine with a love for life. (Applause.)

I see people with a deep conviction that even the most vulnerable member of the human family is a child of God. You're here because you know that all life deserves to be protected. And as you begin your march, I'm proud to be standing with you. (Applause.)

Thirty-five years ago today the United States Supreme Court declared and decided that under the law an unborn child is not considered a person. But we know many things about the unborn. Biology confirms that from the start each unborn child is a separate individual with his or her own genetic code. Babies can now survive outside the mother's womb at younger and younger ages. And the fingers and toes and beating hearts that we can see on an unborn child's ultrasound come with something that we cannot see: a soul. (Applause.)

Today we're heartened -- we're heartened by the news that the number of abortions is declining. But the most recent data reports that more than one in five pregnancies end in an abortion. America is better than this, so we will continue to work for a culture of life where a woman with an unplanned pregnancy knows there are caring people who will support her; where a pregnant teen can carry her child and complete her education; where the dignity of both the mother and child is honored and cherished.

We aspire to build a society where each one of us is welcomed in life and protected in law. We haven't arrived, but we are making progress. Here in Washington we passed good laws that promote adoption and extend legal protection to children who are born despite abortion attempts. We came together to ban the cruel practice of partial birth abortion. (Applause.) And in the past year we have prevented that landmark law from being rolled back.

We've seen the dramatic breakthroughs in stem cell research that it is possible to advance medical science while respecting the sanctity of life. (Applause.) Building a culture of life requires more than law; it requires changing hearts. And as we reach out to others and find common ground, we can see the glimmerings of a new America on a far shore. This America is rooted in our belief that in a civilized society, the strong protect the weak. This America is nurtured by people like you, who speak up for the weak and the innocent. This America is the destiny of a people whose founding document speaks of the right to life that is a gift of our Creator, not a grant of the state. (Applause.)

My friends, the time is short and your march is soon. (Laughter.) As you give voice to the voiceless I ask you to take comfort from this: The hearts of the American people are good. (Applause.) Their minds are open to persuasion. And our history shows that a cause rooted in human dignity and appealing to the best instincts of the American people cannot fail. So take heart. (Applause.)

Take heart, be strong, and go forth. May God bless you. (Applause.)

END 9:10 A.M. EST

Do The Right Thing Contributor Bio: Dean

I said several days ago that our list of writers had grown, and I want to start the bios off with the man who has been a contributor here the longest amount of time, and that's my good friend Dean. - Cyber Pastor

Dean Bio:

Born 1947 and raised in Colorado.

Joined the U.S. Navy in 1965 and served two tours in country South Vietnam aboard river boats in support of Uncle Sam's Misguided Children( Marine Corps) who were based in Dong Ha, Hue, and Phu Bai.

5 children, 3 girls 2 boys all grown up and married. 3 grandchildren but don't call me grandpa...hehe.

Educated as an Electrical Engineer. Two careers, the last as a Commercial Refrigeration tech.

Disabled in 2003 from a work related injury while on the job.

Began researching Islam in the same year and have continued to present time.

Currently living in California but I hope to move back to Utah soon. The Left Coast is not my cup ' tea.

Guest Post: Miss Ladybug

I am honored to have this guest post from Miss Ladybug. You can check out here blog by clicking here.

You can also go directly to this story at her blog by clicking the headline below.

As a favor to me, please visit Miss Ladybug's blog to show her our appreciation for allowing us to use this post!


John McCain is wrong for the United States

Until today, I thought I might be able to hold my nose and vote for McCain in the general election if he were to win the Republican primary. After what I learned today, I don't know that I can even do that, and I never thought I would say that when that means Hillary Clinton might end up as President of these Unites States. As I said here, I could not trust McCain on illegal immigration. What I learned today only reinforces that distrust. John McCain DOES NOT PUT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE FIRST IN REGARD TO ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.

John McCain has "think Mexico first", US-Mexico dual-citizenship-holding, former Mexican government official, open-borders zealot Dr. Juan Hernandez on his campaign staff.
If you don't have the time to read all the comments (please at least read Michelle Malkin's post), here is a highlight:

Juan Hernandez, in his capacity as McCain's "Hispanic Outreach Director", calls for supporters to host a "McCain Fiesta", and based on their donation amounts, they can gain recognition at levels such as:

$2,300 Los Presidentes [ed. - "President"] (receive campaign sweatshirt and signed book)

$1,000 Los Jefes [ed. - "Boss/Chief"] (receive campaign sweatshirt and signed book)

$500 Los Hermanos [ed. - "Brother"] (receive campaign sweatshirt)

$250 Los Primos [ed. - "Cousin"] (receive campaign sweatshirt)

$100 Los Compadres [ed. - "Godfather"] — $25 Los Amigos [ed. - "Friend"]

I have a really hard time getting behind any American politician allowing such a man, with loyalty obviously NOT with the United States Constitution (but instead loyal to a foreign government) to be in any way, shape or form, associated so closely with their election campaign, especially one running for the highest office in the land: whose highest priority SHOULD BE the welfare of United States citizens, not citizens of other countries who have in essence broken into our house and expect us to take care of them.

Also disturbing in regard to McCain and his supporters:

Hernandez is also a fellow at McCain's "Reform Institute".

“Dr. Juan Hernandez serves as a Senior Fellow of the Institute’s Comprehensive Immigration Reform Initiative.”

That is: Shamnesty.

Among the immigration projects at McCain’s Reform Institute: An art contest in which students depicted their protests against a southern border fence.

Who helps fund the Reform Institute? Ed Morrissey did the research:

* The Tides Foundation, which heavily promotes “reproductive justice”, giving over $500,000 to pro-abortion efforts. They also actively oppose the death penalty (so do I, FYI). John McCain opposes abortion and supports the death penalty, so why is his chief political advisor getting so much support from those who ostensibly oppose him?

* Educational Foundation Of America, which also supports abortion. EFA also opposes drilling in ANWR, an issue on which McCain has an ambivalent record. It also supports euthanasia and assisted suicide through the Death With Dignity National Center, a group which it gave $45,000. It gave $100,000 to the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability, which opposed the Yucca Mountain nuclear depository (McCain supported it), and opposes development of low-yield nuclear “bunker buster” bombs, which McCain supports.

In fact, EFA appears to contribute to just about every left-wing cause imaginable, as well as a number of noncontriversial charities and outreach efforts.

* The Proteus Fund, which also opposed the Yucca Mountain repository, spending $75K to stop it. That pales in comparison to the $935K they spent on supporting gay marriage initiatives, which McCain strongly opposes. They have also spent over $800,000 funding nuclear-disarmament and antiwar causes in each of the last two years. Their Security Policy Working Group contains nothing but left-of-center groups like Project on Defense Alternatives, which calls the Iraqi elections “faulty” and predicted disaster for the Bush administration’s “program of coercive transformation throughout the region.”

* OSI (Open Society Institute), founded and funded by George Soros. Among a litany of left-wing causes supported by OSI are People For The American Way, to support their Supreme Court Project. (Hint: It isn’t intended on assisting Bush get his nominees confirmed.) They also gave $150,000 to the Campaign Legal Center, which will be important shortly.

* David Geffen Foundation also shows up on the list, although not in the top tier. David Geffen is an entertainment-industry mogul who supports Democrats and left-wing causes. They do not have a website I could find, but Activistcash.com notes that in 2002, most of the grants Geffen gave went to environmental activists and the Tides Foundation and Tides Center.

Why are all these left-wing groups supporting a "Republican"-founded "charity"? Something truly smells about all this. I cannot vote McCain. Since Fred Thompson is no longer in the race, I have moved my support to Mitt Romney. I can still hope that I might be able to vote for a Romney/Thompson ticket come November.

Updated: An American hero and his wife don't have a very high opinion of John McCain:

A few weeks before Chuck was wounded I watched a TV movie that protrayed Jerk's time as a POW during Vietnam. I was intrigued by the story and developed a lot of respect for what he endured, and the fact that his wife waited all those years for him to return home. I knew bits and pieces of the story before watching the movie, and I knew his arms were badly damaged due to the torture he received. I had a lot of respect for the man... then I met him.

Muslim Prayer at Iowa statehouse raises concerns

Imam offers prayer at Iowa Statehouse asking Allah for "victory over those who disbelieve"

Over the past few months we have sent out reports and articles providing insight into “Cultural Jihad” – the Islamist subversion of a society from within. Cultural Jihad is at a very advanced stage in countries like France and Great Britain, and it is on the march here in America.
What is insidious about Cultural Jihad is that it is not obvious, like acts of terrorism are. But its “end game” is the Islamization of a society and the replacement of existing law with strict Islamic sharia law.

The news story below reports how a Muslim imam opened the Iowa legislative session with a prayer that included an appeal for “victory over those who disbelieve” and “protection from the great Satan.” The “great Satan,” of course, is the United States. “Victory over those who disbelieve” is consistent with Islamic teaching that Allah is to be dominant over all religions, government, laws and people. This is to be accomplished through “Jihad” – which can take the form of violent conquest or cultural subversion and ultimate subjugation.

That some Muslims are becoming so bold as to proclaim their ultimate objective and declare us their enemy – in such a public forum as a state legislative opening session – speaks volumes as to how far Cultural Jihad has already advanced in America.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is why we continue to issue warnings, alerts and information. This is why we are calling concerned citizens to action and organizing across the country. Those who wish us harm, those who wish to steal our liberties and change our society, are not only “over there.” They’re in our midst. If you’d like to assist our efforts with a financial contribution, please click here.


Muslim opening prayer at Iowa Statehouse raises concerns

By: Erin Ballou, Pilot Tribune Staff
Storm Lake Pilot Tribune, January 24, 2008

The Iowa Legislature started just over a week ago and some people were upset before the first issue was ever addressed.
When the session began, a Muslim Imam began the prayer in the Iowa Legislature. This is where the controversy begins.
The prayer asked of "Victory over those who disbelieve," and "Protection from the great Satan" among other things.

Pastor Steve Smith of the Evangelical Free Church in Albert City is among those concerned about the Muslim prayer. Rev. Smith admits that he doesn't know about all the levels of Muslim but knows that the Jihadists believe those in the U.S. are the great Satan.

Rev. Smith also wants to point out the mention of "victory over those who disbelieve." He feels "this is a request in the Iowa Legislature for God to grant the Muslims victory over every non-muslim. Not a request for salvation." Smith takes it as a gesture not of prayer but more as a political statement, especially with the wars that have been going on in the Middle East.

"I'm not concerned about a Muslim Imam opening the Legislature in prayer but it concerns me with the statements that were made. He interpreted this prayer from his understanding of Islam."

Here is the text of the opening prayer, as transcribed by Radio Iowa:

Imam Muhammad Khan of the Islamic Center of Des Moines spoke first in Arabic.

"I seek refuge in God against the accursed Satan in the name of God, most gracious, most merciful," Khan said in English. Khan made no specific mention of the war in Iraq or foreign affairs, but he called God the "master of the day of judgment" and asked for "victory over those who disbelieve."

"As we begin this new year...in a world with trials and tribulations, we ask you to open the hearts of our legislators and policy makers to make the right decisions for the people of Iowa," Khan said. "...We ask that you guide our legislators and give them the wisdom and knowledge to tackle the difficult problems that face us today in order to eliminate the senseless crimes on humanity. Help them, Lord, to solve the complicated problems in the State of Iowa so that we can be a model to the world."

Khan's prayer lasted about four minutes and he closed with a few words for legislators.

"On behalf of the Muslim community of Des Moines and Iowa, I wish you all the success in this year for making the right decisions for us," Khan said. Khan was the guest of State Representative Ako Abdul Samad of Des Moines, who is also a local Muslim leader.

Rev. Smith has urged others who may be concerned to contact their representative.

When asked about the prayer, Senator Steve Kettering replied in an e-mail that he had not heard the prayer, which did not take place in the Senate chambers.

"I cannot tell you what was said. I have received e-mail regarding this, but since it did not occur on the Senate side I do not have much information," Kettering said. "I should point out that the senate had a Catholic priest for their opening."

Representative Gary Worthan of Storm Lake said that he agrees with the concern being shown over the Muslim prayer.

He said that he has registered his concerns with the proper authorities.

As the father of two sons who have fought terrorism in the military, Worthan said the phrases mentioned earlier also jumped out at him and he said he shares concern for the same reasons as the constituents he is hearing from.

ACT for America
P.O. Box 6884
Virginia Beach, VA 23456

ACT for America is an issues advocacy organization dedicated to effectively organizing and mobilizing the most powerful grassroots citizen action network in America, a grassroots network committed to informed and coordinated civic action that will lead to public policies that promote America’s national security and the defense of American democratic values against the assault of radical Islam. We are only as strong as our supporters, and your volunteer and financial support is essential to our success. Thank you for helping us make America safer and more secure.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Just a Quick Question - UPDATED

I was just watching a news report showing Egyptian riot police using water cannons to keep the "so-called" Palestinians from crossing the Egyptian border. Why wouldn't Egypt welcome their "brothers" during this current "crisis"?

Enquiring minds want to know!


Update: SFBert's comment is too good not to get on the front page. Here is what he has to say:

The more Palestinians that set up shop in Egypt, the more agitators will be
there to force Egypt to support Hamastan. Egypt's having a tough go of it now.
If the populace in Egypt demands that the government take up the slack to
support Gazans, then the Egyptian government will have to turn outward for more
help. It is no coincidence that this is happening just at Mubarak is
communicating with Ahmedinejad. Check out this evening's Jerusalem Post.



Thursday, January 24, 2008

Comments To Be Temporarily Moderated.....

For reasons that I would be more than happy to discuss individually by email, I will temporarily be placing all comments into moderation. If you would like me to explain, I would be happy to share that information with you - just email me at hopecyberpastor@gmail.com .

Thanks for your understanding! I will try to get to all comments approved as quickly as possible.

Cyber Pastor

PS. This has nothing to do with my earlier post about the Westboro crew.

Kansas Group Still Spewing Hatred

It has been a while since I've posted about the group who gained their fame by protesting at funerals of fallen hero military personnel here, here, here, here, and here.

Many times, it's better to ignore certain elements of society, but as a Christian leader, I feel it is important to point out when people falsely use Christianity to further their disgusting behavior, and this group (who I will refuse from this point forward to refer to as a church) qualifies at that.

Many of you know that actor Heath Ledger passed away earlier this week of an apparent overdose. Personally, I know very little of this actor from Australia. I know that my wife and two daughters all reacted with shock and sadness as they are the movoe buffs in the family.

What, might you say, does Heath Ledger have to do with the Westboro people? Well in their "infinite wisdom" this group of biggoted, hate-spewing people are going to protest the memorial service for Ledger, because he "played" a homosexual character in the movie "Brokeback Mountain".

Now before anyone decides that this Conservative Minister is promoting the homosexual lifestyle, let me stop you right there - I believe that the act of sexual relations between people of the same sex is a sin! I did not promote the movie Brokeback Mountain or even watch it. I believe exactly what the scriptures say about ALL sexual perversion, not just homosexuality.

That said, I also believe this scripture from the Book of John in Chapter 8

John 8 (NIV)

1But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. 2At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat down to teach them. 3The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group 4and said to Jesus, "Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. 5In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?" 6They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him.

But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. 7When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." 8Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.

9At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. 10Jesus straightened up and asked her, "Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?"

11"No one, sir," she said.
"Then neither do I condemn you," Jesus declared. "Go now and leave your life of sin."

Just who do these people from Kansas think they are??? They (and you and I) are just like the Pharisees Jesus was talking to here and could not stand up to this test given by Jesus.

And then they take things so far as to post signs like these at their website and at their protests. This shows nothing of the love and forgiveness that my Savior showed when He died on that Cross at Calvary!

We need to pray for these specific folks from Kansas, they are going to have some serious explaining to do on judgement day when Jesus bends down and starts writing on the ground with His finger!


Also, my good friend Spree at Wake up America recently posted an outstanding piece at her place.

Westboro Baptist Church: God Hates Marines

Hat tip to Jay at Stop the ACLU.

The following is part of that post, but you really need to click on the link and go read the entire story:

According to their recently released flyer, they are planning another event on Saturday, January 19, 2008.

The wonderful, spit-and-polish Marine is over eight months pregnant and she says another wonderful Marine raped her, and now on the eve of his court martial where she is the star witness against him, she turns up dead, and he is a fugitive from justice.

Wonderful. The few. The proud. Based on our extensive experience with Marines for over a decade, we can testify that these are typical Marines. WBC will picket the filthy, lawless Marine Corps - at noon next Sat., Jan. 19 - at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina; in religious protest and warning: “Be not “‘deceived; God is not mocked.” Gal. 6:7. God Hates Fags! & FagEnablers.

Ergo, God hates the Marines.

The death of the female pregnant marine, that the Westboro flyer is referring to has been in the news recently after Cpl. Cesar Laurean was accused of raping Cpl. Maria Lauterbach.

Laurean is wanted for the murder of Cpl. Maria Lauterbach, whose charred remains were found in Laurean's backyard of his home in Jacksonville over the weekend.

All previous pieces done on Westboro Baptist Church at Wake up America can be found on one page here.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Westboro Bigots at it Again!

Just a quick brief, as I must get ready to go to church - but I heard today that the group from Kansas that protests at military funerals will be protesting at the memorial service of actor Heath Ledger. I'll give a full report later on but I guess the $10,000,000 lawsuit they lost will not keep them quiet!


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

BREAKING NEWS: Thompson Dropping Out of Race

Update: @ 2:42 PM:

Fred Thompson dropped his presidential bid Tuesday, after the former Tennessee senator and actor finished third in the South Carolina primary and was unable to score a victory in any of the early primaries or caucuses.

“Today I have withdrawn my candidacy for President of the United States. I hope that my country and my party have benefited from our having made this effort. Jeri and I will always be grateful for the encouragement and friendship of so many wonderful people,” Thompson said in a statement.

The GOP candidate has begun calling friends, family members and supporters to tell them his campaign is over. He left Nashville Tuesday afternoon for McLean, Va., where he is expected to make the announcement about his campaign as early as Tuesday night.

Aides said Thompson sent an e-mail Monday saying he was still undecided about whether to stay in the race, but with no plans to campaign in Florida, which holds its primary Jan. 29, or to participate in a Republican debate Thursday, staffers expected him to withdraw.
FOX News’ Carl Cameron contributed to this report.

Original Post:
Just listening to FoxNews and Carl Cameron broke news of Fred Thompson's decision to drop out of the race for the Republican nomination for President. An official announcement is expected tonight or tomorrow.

It is a sad day for Conservatives in America! More to follow as information becomes available.

From The White House Weekly Review

Saturday, January 12, 2008

President Bush met with General Petraeus, Commander of Multinational Forces in Iraq, Ambassador Ryan Crocker, Ambassador to Iraq, Secretary of State Rice, and members of his National Security team. Later, President Bush visited with Military Personnel and Coalition Forces.

After arriving in Bahrain, the President participated in a roundtable on democracy and development with Kuwaiti women.

"And so I thank you for what you're doing. There is no doubt in my mind that we will succeed. There is no doubt in my mind when history was written, the final page will say: Victory was achieved by the United States of America for the good of the world; that by doing the hard work now, we can look back and say, the United States of America is more secure, and generations of Americans will be able to live in peace."

Email From Aaron Hankins

Anniversary of Roe v. Wade: 35 Years of Destruction

Since the inception of legalized abortion by Roe v. Wade in 1973, approximately 50 million innocent unborn lives have been ended. Every day nearly 4,000 lives are destroyed in the womb by abortion. To give you a picture, those children total more than every student in my three local high schools combined.

In the midst of our Presidential election year, it is hauntingly startling to think that the very first child whose life was ended by legalized abortion in Roe v. Wade would have turned 35 years old today, the exact age the Constitution declares Americans eligible to run for our nation's highest office.

We often complain how our choices for elected leaders are between the lesser of two evils. Nobody stops to ponder or complain about the evil that has made the pool of America's potential future leaders shallower.

Abortion has destroyed our nation's moral foundations and has led to our nation's broken government. Government was established for the sole purpose of protecting innocent life. Thomas Jefferson stated, "The chief purpose of government is to protect life. Abandon that and you have abandoned all."

Career politicians have abandoned all. They have abandoned our conservative principles for the lures of careerism. While Life is winning in the Heartland, it is losing in our nation's capital. Career politicians are not able to save unborn lives because they are too busy worrying about saving their own political lives.

We cannot go the way of communist nations where people's lives are at the mercy of their elite tyrannical government. Our federal government must restore the sanctity of Life and ensure that our unalienable rights of Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is protected for all Americans, particularly the weakest and most vulnerable in our society: the unborn.

Despite the three and a half decades that have passed and the millions of lives that have been lost, there is still hope. People often ask, "Can one person make a difference?"

Those who are familiar with the Pro-Life movement and the history of abortion are profoundly convinced that one person can make a difference. Why are they so convinced? Because they know that the responsibility for the destruction caused by abortion in America lies largely in the hands of one individual: Margaret Sanger.

Margaret Sanger was the founder of Planned Parenthood, America's largest abortion provider. Sanger's horrific leadership was fueled by her radical politics of sexual liberation, Malthusian economics, and eugenics. She felt that abortion would be the best means of population control and the removal of "bad weeds" in society. Her politics advanced abortion rights and also led to the destruction of marriage, family, and standards of decency all across the globe. Her one life directly impacted the lives of millions of others, literally.

While one person's life and leadership can lead to death and destruction, other's lives and leadership has led to Life and liberty.

William Wilberforce dedicated his life in parliament to ending the British slave trade and restoring the humanity and dignity of millions of innocent lives. Wilberforce's leadership ignited the flame of liberty in the hearts of all decent, freedom loving men the world over and led to the abolition of the horrific injustice of slavery.

Ronald Reagan's life and leadership saved America and the world from the hands of communism. Reagan freed billions of enslaved people whose basic rights of Life and liberty were denied by ruling tyrants. He also strengthened our nation's economy and our American spirit, restoring America to a time of peace and prosperity.

These statesmen made a difference and had a profound influence and effect on the lives of millions of people. Their legacy continues to do so today, as does that of Margaret Sanger.
Let us this day, on the anniversary of the most destructive court decision in the history of America, dedicate our lives to freedom. We must choose whether we will stand for Life and be a voice for the voiceless or will we abandon all and accept the false idea that we can not make a difference.

We have no idea what these young lives that have been lost through legalized abortion would have accomplished if given the right to Life. Yet, we have been given Life and therefore have a responsibility as free Americans to protect this most fundamental and foundational freedom.
Let us begin this day forward to preserve Life and liberty.

"The office seeks the man, the man doesn't seek the office."- Ronald Reagan

"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."- Matthew 9:37-38

Monday, January 21, 2008


You can join the Presidential Prayer Team free of charge and get these updates and messages sent directly to your email by clicking here. I would be honored to have you on my team!

Pastor Ed Boston aka Cyber Pastor
Presidential Prayer Team Ambassador Chaplain

Vice President Richard Cheney is celebrating his birthday on January 30. We invite you to send your words of congratulation, affirmation, blessing or Scripture. Your words will be compiled and bound into a book that will be delivered to the Vice President. Click here to send your greetings.

Pray The Vote Online Prayer Rally

Super Tuesday is February 5! The results of this day will greatly impact the entire race. We have a fantastic opportunity to impact Super Tuesday through prayer by participating in the Pray the Vote Online Prayer Rally, 12 noon February 3 through Midnight February 4. Learn more HERE.

In Today's Rush in a Hurry

"I can see possibly not supporting the Republican nominee this election, and I never thought that I would say that in my life."

Israel - America's Greatest Ally; Dean Part 10

The Annapolis peace deal may be in trouble following the resignation of Avigdor Lieberman’s Yisrael Beiteinu Party. Confirmation was made 1/16/2008.

This latest will definitely spell trouble for the Bush-Condi Rice peace initiative that requires Israel to divide Jerusalem and hand over land essential to protecting Israeli citizens from terrorist attacks.

Clearly the Olmert government is impotent in their quest to force this unpopular decision on the Israeli people.

The “Falastinian” leader Abbas has little power to force any such decision as well and other than spewing the hate and lies, he is also impotent.

The resignation of Lieberman and the withdrawl of the Yisrael Beiteinu Party from the Israeli government will weaken Olmert’s coalition. This move also puts pressure on the Shas Party to follow suit.

Predictions are that if the Shas Party pulls out the Olmert coalition is DOA, More importantly this could spell doom for PM Olmert himself.

President Bush’s prediction of a peace deal prior to his leaving office may be a little premature.

Read more here.

In the mean time rocket attacks continue from “Palestinian” terrorists in Gaza. At least Qassam 40 rockets fell on southern Israel including 3 mortar shells injuring many in that area.

The IDF has responded by raiding several “hot spots” in the Gaza Strip and an IAF missile strike has killed two, wounding at least three in a car reportedly carrying a load of weapons destined for terrorist groups.

Earlier Wednesday three “Palestinian” civilians were killed by an IAF missile strike when a terrorists car was hit east of Gaza City.

The strikes were authorized by Defense Minister Ehud Barak vowing to step up military action in Gaza as a response to the continued rocket and mortar attacks in southern Israel.

Read the entire article here.

Hamas has also responded in typical fashion. Read it here.

The following is my opinion on this. Agree or disagree as you will.

Why is Hamas being treated as a political party by some in the west? Even some in the Israeli government treat these terrorists as a political party.

Some refer to them as “militants” and believe it or not think of them as “revolutionaries for peace”. Laughable and irresponsible.

Hamas is nothing more or less than a terrorist organization. A group of murderers whose stated goals are the killing of Jews and wiping them from the face of the earth.

These are the monsters the world has decided to give billions to. Can you imagine that?

I shake my head in disbelief at the utter stupidity and reckless immaturity. We have children in adult bodies posing as our leaders “talkng” to murderers, thieves, and liars dispensing billions of dollars on a whim and falsehoods.

Dangerously irresponsible. God help us.

In part 9 you read of the fallacy of a “Palestine” and the non-existent “Palestinian People” yet here we are pandering to and appeasing these animals.


PM Olmert should resign and take several of his supporters with him.

The way the situation is developing in Israel politicaly and militarily he may be forced out of office. Does he have no shame?

It’s the left wing liberal mind set…”if it feels good do it” that has caused much grief and loss of life on both sides of this ongoing war. Will they ever take responsibility for their “feelings” and lack of thinking or effective action?

Perhaps ice water will be given away free to all those burning in the fires of hell before that happens.

Israel is on the front lines of a decades old war. The terrorists respond to pandering and appeasemenets as a lion does to weak or sickly prey. They kill it. And unless something miraculous happens, the fall of Israel may be inevitable.

Terrorists understand one thing and that is force. They will not give up as long as their enemy is viewed as weak and irrelevant.

Hamas and other terrorist groups in this region have no misgivings about killing and crippling Jews. It is what they do…it’s why they exist and why the Middle East will likely never have peace.

I have my own thoughts on what Israel must do to exist and protect it’s people but for the sake of keeping this article semi-civil I won’t divulge them here.

Let me assure you my thoughts are anything but peaceful or nonviolent.

When the world finally decides the so called “Palestinians” are truthfully Falastinians and have no historical roots or claims on Jewish land, and when they force the Arab nations to take responsibility for their own actions and lies, perhaps then we will see a road to real peace. The Arabs should be forced to deal with the problem they themselves have created.

Until then the war is on and innocent people on both sides will continue to die needlessly.

In closing I’m remided that there are always two sides to a story. Truth must come out but it must come from both sides before anything can be resolved.

As far as I’m concerned failure is not an option for the Israeli’s. They must prevail and we must support them in that endeavor or ultimately fail ourselves.

Please pray for our leaders and as always sha-alu shalom Yerushalayim.


Saturday, January 19, 2008

Duncan Hunter Bows Out

January 19, 2008

We started this campaign a year ago right here, in San Diego Harbor, against the backdrop of American Naval power. We launched a campaign emphasizing a strong national defense, enforceable borders and restoring the industrial base of America.

Today we end this campaign. The Nevada caucuses reflecting only 2% of the vote for me. I ran the campaign exactly the way I wanted to, and at this point not being able to gain traction in conservative states of Nevada and South Carolina, it's time to allow our volunteers and supporters to focus on the campaigns that remain viable.

It's time for me to gear up for 2008's defense bill that will be put together over the coming weeks. There is work to be done in the areas of troop protection and new capabilities to be deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan. And over the horizon, the emergence of Communist China as a military super power will require a new emphasis on U.S. capabilities in undersea warfare, space, and long range air-power.

The best way to maintain a new era of peace is for the U.S. to remain strong. Over the coming year I will endeavor to help craft a defense bill that meets the new security challenges.

Since our campaign began over 200,000 additional manufacturing jobs have been lost. 1.8 million jobs have left the U.S. for China. This fracturing of the U.S. industrial base is a long term threat to America. I hope that the remaining candidates will recognize it and address it. As the senior Republican on the House Armed Services Committee, I will seek to address it.

Only hours ago a border patrolman was killed in the California Desert. This tragedy emphasizes more than ever the compelling case for the completion of the border fence. Since I wrote the bill that mandates 854 miles of double border fence only a few miles have been constructed. Over the next year in Congress I will do everything in my power to get that fence built. Finally, for Lynn and me, the campaign over the last year has shown us this: America is a wonderful country. Our people have great character and goodness, and the meeting of new friends has enriched our lives.

The failure of our campaign to gain traction is mine and mine alone. But we have driven the issues of national security, the border fence, the emergence of China and the need to reverse bad trade policy. Because of that, this campaign has been very worthwhile, and for the Hunter family, a lot of fun.

To our friends and supporters and volunteers: many thanks. And now it's time for me to focus on developing a 2008 defense bill that serves our troops and our nation.

Thanks, and God Bless America.

Duncan Hunter

Comment from Cyber Pastor: I wish that Congressman Hunter would have been able to compete as I believe he stands for Conservative values as much or more than anyone in the race.

I find the following comment in a Fox News story quite interesting, "Hunter, a California congressman, Vietnam veteran and evangelical Christian, tried to appeal largely on his anti-illegal immigration platform but never gained traction in the primary race."

Why is this comment important in my humble opinion? It is the first time I remember anyone other than Huckabee being associated with the evangelical Christians, and this was after Hunter drops out. Coincidence, correct assessment, or have I missed something along the way?