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Saturday, November 3, 2007

Today from the PPT - Pray The Vote Website

Welcome to Pray the Vote, an initiative of The Presidential Prayer Team. We want to engage you in the upcoming elections—through prayer!

Whether your involvement in the political process has been limited to a casual glance at the debates or you are deeply involved, you may never have thought to engage the electoral process through prayer!

Prayer is the most significant way you can impact our country. When you bring the political process before God, things happen—by God’s initiative, and in your mind and heart. It’s a powerful and empowering process. We urge you to try it and see!

To get Pray the Vote 2008 updates, click on the link at the top of the post.

To join Pastor Ed's Prayer Patriots, click: www.pptambassador.org/team153 . I would love to have you join my team in prayer!