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Monday, November 26, 2007

From the PPT: Prayer Wall for our Troops


Your can join Pastor Ed's Prayer Patriots at PPT by clicking here: www.pptambassador.org/Team153

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.
--Psalm 91:1-2, 7

The memory of the righteous will be a blessing.
--Proverbs 10:7

Reminder: The views expressed on this Prayer Wall do not necessarily reflect the views of The Presidential Prayer Team. All comments will be reviewed and screened for propriety.

Latest prayer posted at: 2007-11-26 16:36:50
This request is for John and Betsy Orff members of Moody Church . May The Living God protct them . John Orff is a retired soldier serving The Lord by meeting the needs of his family.—Joshua, IL

May God keep you and bless you.This is a prayer for all the troops at http://hedgesandhighways.com/New%20Artist%20-%20SOLDIER.mp3
God bless you—Eric, OH

Lord watch over you sons and daughters while they are fighting for our Country. Lord open those hearts, those who do not know you, show them that you truely are the maker of heaven and earth. Lord continue to watch over Spc. Steven Guerrero, wrap him with your love and show him that your way is the only way,and turn him away from any temptation, that may arise in his life. Lord show him that the ways of the flesh are the works of the devil, and you have only good intentions for his life. Lord I ask this through the blood of Jesus Christ. Amen—Kimberly, NV

I lay each and everyone of you at the foot of the cross of our Lord and Savour Jesus the Christ, not only for your protection but also for your eternal future! I pray for our enemies too...that God take the scales from their eyes,ears,and heart that they may believe the truth and lay down their hate and their weapons for peace. Love thy enemies. This does NOT mean that you should trust in them,trust only in God. Treat the captured well,give them water in the heat of the day as you and I would want to be treated. Pray for them and for Peace. Pray for God to reveal Himself to you ... and to them. Put all of your trust in HIM! lean on Him when you are weary,He will give you rest.I feel so quilty every night when I crawl into my clean,comfortable safe...because of you..bed. How I wish you could be at home in yours!!!!!!! Remember this, nothing last forever and you will be at home in yours before you know it. I wish I could have done more something for my country! God Bless and Keep You Safe Til You Are In Your OWN Bed!!!!!!! Love You ALL ..... Patricia Harrison—Patricia, NC

Heavenly Father I lift each and every soldier that is protecting our nation against the enemy to keep our freedom and this I do in Jesus' Holy name.—Delores, KS
Hi to all the troops and their family. I have a special prayer for the troops at
I hopt it bless you.—Eric, OH

Father, Thank you for the young Marine who attended the Thanksgiving dinner at our church yesterday. I pray that he was blessed and will come back and bring his friends. Thank You for the opportunity to reach out to our local service men and women in Your name.In Jesus' name, Amen—Sammie, TX

Happy Thanksgiving! wish you all could be back home with your loved ones, but I understand the importance of what your doing. We support you 100% and pray for your safe being. and as a American Legion Rider I hope to help welcome as many of you home as I can. Thank you for all you are doing for us.—Mark, KS